Sunday, December 10, 2006

Three-some lunch


hey tooties..

I'm back to update you guys again. Woke up with a bad stomach cramp and so continued sleeping till like noon time, gave going to church a miss.

When my brother returned, he entered with a bag of clothes all for both my sister and I. wooo.. After sorting out the shirts, my sister was like saying.. "I feel like eating lasagna leh". My brother replied by saying, "okay la, we go eat with you but you treat us!" haha.. the facial expression that covered my sister's face was damn hilarious. hurhur...

Before heading out, my mum came back from the dentist and saw the bed covered with clothes and we started talking. she den looked at my sisters face and said " ni de lian de pampers hao le hor?" but actualliy she meant "ni de lian de pimples hao le hor?" hahaha... i could not control but to laugh out loud.hahaha.. after that, i went to take a bath and my mum was talking about what happened to my maid's teeth and she was complaining that the pain is back once again. as a hole was found in that tooth, many food stuff tends to get stuck there and so the pain. after the removal of the dirt, antibiotics was injected in maybe to prevent infections or so. i started to say that the cause of the pain might be partly because the "anti-buttocks" is taking action, where i actually meant "anti-biotics" had a good laugh of the day..

we then made up our mind to go to N.Y.D.C for a lunch. Its been long since the 3 of us went out for lunch together and enjoyed sucha a sumptious meal together.

after all, we went out for a three-some lunch at n.y.d.c in holland v.

some pictures for you..

the lickin good macadamia nut cheesecake

the shiny looking plate


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